Monday, November 26, 2012

Influenster College VoxBox '12

Hey everyone! Thanks for stoping by my blog! I am sharing with you the free influenster voxbox that I have received for the first time ever. I was so excited when I got the news that I am getting this box because it's the first time I was ever sent something to try out for free.

        If you are not familiar with the program, influenster is website that you can request an invite to, and they will email you an invitation once one is available. Once you are a member, you will have access to reviewing different products. Whether you love it or hate, you can share your thoughts with others. And if you are anything like me, you will love doing it! I love getting my opinion out there and sharing my thoughts on the things I have tried to help others before they spend money it! All in all, I love this program! Companies do want to hear our thoughts on their products and try to make it better, so why not voice your thoughts and concerns?

      Anyways, on to what I have received. First of all, you get a card with a description of the products that are included in the box. Let's just say I did not read it till I saw all the stuff ;)

     First off, let's start with my not so favorites. I have received what they call "Tropical wafers." These tasted absolutely awful to me. I also offered some to my husband and his cousin and they both hated it. Influenster said these are still to be released. I wish I liked how they tasted, but I did not.

     Also, you get a pen. As a college student, you can't complain about that, can you? The Pentel EnerGel purple pen is a nice quality and I have enjoyed it.

    This was one of my favorite items actually: the energy sheets mint boost. This product claims to give you some energy. If anything, it has a minty taste and is a freshener. I don't really know about the company's claim that it will give you energy, though it states that it has a certain amount of caffeine in it. A cup of coffee will do fine for me, but never the less I did enjoy the minty taste it has and how you can just use one on the go. Note, this has a very strong minty taste, so if you are not a mint fan, this is for sure not for you!

    Being a make up collector, I was thrilled to receive the NYC Glitter Eyeliner. It's very sparkly, so if you are not a fan of sparkles, this is definitely not for you. However, I do enjoy this one as I do not have any shimmer liner. It's nice if you want you go out at night and want this extra sparkle
. It's very creamy and you can use this in your waterline. Its staying power is not the greatest due to it's creamy nature, and I don't know that I want to put that much glitter on my eyes. Perhaps, using it on top of a liner just a little bit would be better. The plus thing about this is that you can use it in your crease to create a smoky effect. 

       Last but not least, I received Broadway Nails imPRESS nails in zebra print. I just used those few days ago, and I must say they are very easy to use. You just take the plastic part off and pop the nails on. The kit comes with different size nails, so they can look fitted. I think those are great for a night out or a special occasion, but they are not for every day use. Now that the holiday is almost here though, I can defiantly use a new set! Below is a picture of the nails applied. 

       All in all, I was pleased with what I received. You can't really complain about free stuff. If you want an invite to influenster, let me know and I will send you one. 

Daily nuggets: 

*I have managed not to break the bank this weekend and I'm proud of myself for resisting most of the shopping temptations.
*My husband is getting me the benefit kit "Confessions of a Concealaholic" and I cant wait for christmas to actually be able to start using it.
*It's been over a week away from my cat, Lorie, and I'm really missing her dearly! I hope she is not too mad at me.
*It snowed here in Canada today. I wonder if it did in Wisconsin at home too.

Thank you for stopping by!  See you soon!

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